Naiku Blog: News, White Papers, and Case Studies
Improve Student Outcomes
Read MoreUsing formative assessment as a fundamental part of teaching practice can be an impactful way to improve student outcomes. Download Improve Student Outcomes, an e-book provided by our partner Certica, to read about formative assessment strategies, research proven processes and techniques and analysis to use in the classroom to accelerate student learning.
We Are Naiku: Enlarged School District of Middletown
Read MoreThe Enlarged City School District of Middletown is a public school district located in Middletown, NY that serves approximately 7,400 students. Download this case study to learn how the Enlarged City School District of Middletown chose Naiku to help them implement a district-wide benchmark assessment solution. Case Study – Middletown.
Ensuring Assessment Integrity
Read MoreValid student assessment data is a key component of teacher data-driven instruction, teacher collaboration in successful PLC teams, and school/district educational decision making. Student cheating can adversely affect the quality of assessment data and can be a concern anytime, and particularly in remote learning environments. This white paper offers tips and strategies to minimize student […]
Naiku offers support to schools affected by Coronavirus
Read MoreNaiku, Inc. announced today that it is offering free school subscriptions of Naiku assessment software to schools affected by the Coronavirus. These subscriptions are valid through June 30, 2020. Naiku will also provide setup, training, and support services for the schools. Interested schools can request a demo here or simply contact us. Naiku is comprehensive, […]
Increasing Teaching and Learning through Interim Benchmark Assessments
Read MoreBenchmark assessments occupy an important space between frequent formative assessment and end-of-year summative assessment in a balanced assessment process. In Maximizing Benchmark Assessments: Increasing Student Achievement and Success, Dr. Adisack Nhouyvanisvong outlines the benefits of and keys to successful interim benchmark assessments and provides guidance on how to optimize student learning from benchmark assessments within […]
We Are Naiku: Clear Lake Middle School
Read MoreClear Lake Middle School serves Grades 6-8 students in Clear Lake, IA. The school of 300 students implements a 1:1 iPad program. Students love how easy it is to use the iPad in their everyday schoolwork. When it came to adopting an online assessment platform for his teachers, Principal Steve Kwikkel did not forget his […]
Improving Teacher-Developed Assessments and Items
Read MoreWhile significant research supports the use of frequent formative classroom assessment to aid teaching and learning, teachers often lack appropriate training to adequately develop and evaluate the quality of their assessments and items. In this white paper, Dr. Nhouyvanisvong offers guidance on how to create test blueprints, write cognitively rigorous items, and improve the items based […]
Moving Beyond Multiple Choice Items for Effective Classroom Assessment
Read MoreEducators know that multiple choice tests can be limiting, but knowing how, and when, to move beyond multiple choice for effective classroom assessment within time and other constraints can be challenging. In this free white paper, Dr. Adisack Nhouyvanisvong offers guidance on how to effectively engage students and obtain a better understanding of student knowledge through […]
Naiku adds Desmos calculators
Read MoreDesmos calculators are now integrated with Naiku digital assessment software for schools to use with their students. Available options include a four function calculator, scientific calculator, and a graphing calculator. These calculators, like other student tools available in Naiku, can be optionally provided to students on a per question basis as a student aid in […]
Practice ACT tests available in Naiku
Read MoreA suite of released ACT tests are now available for educators to use in Naiku. All complete tests are segmented into individual timed section tests (Reading, Math, etc) for easy test administration. All question items are coded to ACT section and subsection; in combination with the automatic scoring and standards-aligned reporting in Naiku, teachers and […]
Popular Posts
Data Driven Instruction with Naiku
Premier educators such as Dr. Paul Bambrick-Santoyo (Driven By Data 2.0: A Practical Guide to Improve Instruction) and Dr. John Hattie (Visible Learning) promote the use of data in enhancing instruction and student learning. In this linked white paper, Dr. Adisack Nhouyvanisvong discusses these techniques and showcases how to implement them using Naiku.
Use ACT Quick Checks for Progress Monitoring
Naiku provides over 50 ACT Quick Checks for teachers to use for student progress monitoring in all ACT test subjects. ACT Quick Checks are short, topic-focused, formative assessments; typically 6-12 questions in length. Each Quick Check contains questions from a single topic, such as Math-Functions, so teachers can use to easily monitor progress between benchmark […]