Naiku Blog: News, White Papers, and Case Studies
Data Driven Instruction with Naiku
Read MorePremier educators such as Dr. Paul Bambrick-Santoyo (Driven By Data 2.0: A Practical Guide to Improve Instruction) and Dr. John Hattie (Visible Learning) promote the use of data in enhancing instruction and student learning. In this linked white paper, Dr. Adisack Nhouyvanisvong discusses these techniques and showcases how to implement them using Naiku.
Use ACT Quick Checks for Progress Monitoring
Read MoreNaiku provides over 50 ACT Quick Checks for teachers to use for student progress monitoring in all ACT test subjects. ACT Quick Checks are short, topic-focused, formative assessments; typically 6-12 questions in length. Each Quick Check contains questions from a single topic, such as Math-Functions, so teachers can use to easily monitor progress between benchmark […]
I am Naiku: Katharine Mulfinger
Read MoreMy Name: Katharine Mulfinger Where I Teach: Bettendorf High School, Bettendorf, IA What I Teach: Teacher Librarian How Long I’ve Taught: This is my first year as teacher librarian. For the last six years, I taught 8th grade language arts. What I do as Teacher Librarian: Along with selecting materials for the library and promoting library services, […]
I am Naiku: Jacqueline Leiker
Read MoreName: Jacqueline Leiker Where I Teach: Norway High School, Norway, MI How Long I’ve Taught: I have taught for twenty-two years. Within those years I have taught numerous courses including mathematics, computer technology, computer programming and business. I currently teach technology and digital citizenship to students who range from seniors at Norway High School all […]
I am Naiku: Tabitha Savage
Read MoreTabitha Savage has 11 years of service to Putnam County Schools. She began as a general education elementary teacher. She current serves as the Math Specialist for the district, serving all K-8 schools. She led the transition and transformation of her district’s benchmark and classroom assessment practice. “With Naiku, we have successfully transitioned our Grade 2-8 benchmark assessments on-line. Teachers and student receive results quickly.
I am Naiku: Lindsay Thompson
Read More“I am Naiku” profile of digital learning specialist Lindsay Thompson from Thomas County Central High School.
Naiku Integrates ACT & SAT Assessment Suite from Horizon Education
Read MoreNaiku announced today a partnership with Horizon Education to integrate and offer Horizon’s suite of independently developed ACT/Pre-ACT & SAT/PSAT assessments within Naiku assessment software. Please view or download the complete announcement below.
Naiku increases ACT prep support
Read MoreNaiku now offers teachers additional resources for ACT prep to use with their students; resources include 15 officially released, timed ACT section tests, dozens of smaller, sub-section progress check formative assessments, and an ACT curriculum map loaded with ACT section and subsection standards associated with instructional resources. Through Naiku teachers can administer these assessments to […]
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Data Driven Instruction with Naiku
Premier educators such as Dr. Paul Bambrick-Santoyo (Driven By Data 2.0: A Practical Guide to Improve Instruction) and Dr. John Hattie (Visible Learning) promote the use of data in enhancing instruction and student learning. In this linked white paper, Dr. Adisack Nhouyvanisvong discusses these techniques and showcases how to implement them using Naiku.
Use ACT Quick Checks for Progress Monitoring
Naiku provides over 50 ACT Quick Checks for teachers to use for student progress monitoring in all ACT test subjects. ACT Quick Checks are short, topic-focused, formative assessments; typically 6-12 questions in length. Each Quick Check contains questions from a single topic, such as Math-Functions, so teachers can use to easily monitor progress between benchmark […]