College Readiness Benchmarks


The College Readiness Benchmark suite is a collection of diagnostic Pre-ACT/ACT® and PSAT/SAT® styled assessments that are fully integrated as an available option for educators in the Naiku assessment platform.

Integrated in Naiku, these assessments provide more than equitable ACT/SAT test preparation for all students. They help educators measure and track student proficiency and engage students in their learning through immediate feedback, student reflection, and more. Use of ACT/SAT Quick Checks and other tests help teachers monitor progress and accelerate learning pre and post-test.

Valid Benchmark Assessments Improving Equity
The suite contains original and norm-referenced assessments that can help prepare students for college entrance assessments and give educators insight into student proficiency and progress. Assessments are originally developed based on test blueprints to match the length, style, and rigor of the respective PSAT, SAT, Pre-ACT or ACT assessments. Items are coded to the detailed ACT or SAT standard and multiple forms of each assessment allow for measuring student proficiency multiple times each year to track student growth. The College Readiness Benchmark suite can help schools improve equity by not only providing access to assessment practice for all students, but more importantly by providing students critical and detailed feedback and educators consistent data on student proficiency and progress.
Pre-ACT® and ACT® are registered trademarks of ACT, Inc. PSAT® and SAT® are registered trademarks of the College Board. The College Readiness Benchmark suite consists of originally developed assessments. The suite is not affiliated with nor endorsed by the College Board or ACT, Inc.